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Laboratory BM

The Biomedical Department consists of 5 main laboratories with each of them divided into sub-parts. There are in total 10 lab sections, among which 3 are Computer laboratories, 2 are Electronic equipment laboratories and other 5 sections are used for different Biomedical subjects Laboratories. The new laboratory instruments are bought every year in order to cope up with the new technology and as per the new academic curriculum.

  1. Biomedical Computer Center
  2. Bio-potentials and Recorders
  3. Biomedical Imaging Laboratory
  4. Electronics Laboratory
  5. Rehabilitation Engineering
  6. Control System Engineering
  7. Analytical, Diagnostics & Therapeutic Instrumentation
  8. Microprocessor, Microcontroller & Embedded systems
  9. Biomedical Transducers and Biosensors Laboratory
  10. Medical system Actuators and Electrical Machines
  11. Human Anatomy and Physiology
  12. Advanced BioMaterial and Tissue Engineering

Department Laboratory Photos